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jodi rothfield casting, csa TEL: (206)448-0927 FAX: (206)448-1016 BREAKDOWN Date: 8-26-05 SESAME STREET – New Puppet Character- Northwest Search! Aftra TV MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING DATES: AUDITION: week of September 6-8 , in Seattle, at our casting facilities. CB: talent flown to NYC for September 21, 22 or 23 >br> SHOOT DATES: The season begins the 19th of October and runs through December. his performer, however, would not shoot until later in the schedule (Nov/Dec). The performer would not need to re-locate. She would be used in two to four scripts this season with the potential for more next season. RATE: They usually negotiate a day rate at a rate above AFTRA scale. (That's what they mean by "This is an AFTRA contract negotiated at PBS rates.") SCRIPT: will be faxed We are looking for a female puppeteer, any age, and any ethnicity. Puppeteer / Actress for the Sesame Workshop *The puppeteer/actress will need to be able to work with a TV monitor. It is a pretty specific skill to be able to work with a monitor (like a weatherman…backward). She will need to be able to keep her own head out of the frame. *The actress must sing (Lead sheets and CD’s with track to be provided. Scripts/sides will be provided. *The Daisy puppet will be here, in my office, for auditions. Character Breakdown: DAISY (working name) is a wide-eyed and innocent who has a very real and endearingly vulnerable quality. DAISY is a fairy godchild, a tiny two-ish to three-year old girl. She asks questions all the time and is truly astounded by the world around her. She is a toddler with some precocious vocabulary and she loves to rhyme. She is from another world – a tiny immigrant from Fairyland who brings to Sesame Street a little breeze of her own culture. She takes Big Bird for a giant. She thinks Oscar is an enchanted prince and keeps kissing him. DAISY is a pretty little girl; she has tiny wings and a wand that she’s learning to use. Please respond to this email ONLY if you are a puppeteer. DO NOT EMAIL US! Please call Jodi Rothfield Casting, CSA, for an appointment: 206-448-0927 M-F (10am-4pm) |