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1600 Dexter
Ave. N #A
Seattle, WA

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Rachel from LifeFX

David from LifeFX

Place marker page for public record keeping in accordance with Public Disclosure of Non Profit Organization Information in 26 CFR Parts 301 and 602 amending sectiion 6104(d) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

Application for tax exemption
Articles of Incorporation
Code of regulations
Purpose for which it was organized
Actual activities
Sources of the organization's income
Receipts and their disposition
Local or subordinate organizations (USPERC)
Annual information return
Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax

"Imagine all the people, sharing all the world." ... John Lennon

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"Be the change that you want to see in the world."       -- M.K. Gandhi